Photo by Artem Beliaikin from Pexels In this article, we are going to learn how to set up a verified Payoneer account with some simple and easy steps. At Payoneer, you will be able to receive funds without limit in all currencies direct to your local bank globally. Before we start let's find out some information about Payoneer- At Payoneer, our goal is to empower our customers to grow their businesses by enabling them to pay and get paid as easily globally as they do locally. MESSAGE FROM PAYONEER CEO, SCOTT GALIT Payoneer is an online money transfer platform, popular with freelancers and available in over 200 countries including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Brazil, Australia, United States, UK, Canada and across Europe and Africa. Follow the steps to set and verified your Payoneer account: 1. To sign up Your Payoneer Account click here and click “Sign Up & Earn 25...